February 2017 main macroeconomic data will be released after March 10, 2017. We look forward to the relevant macroeconomic data, and based on the analysis of the monetary policy in March 2017.
Domestic information
Zhu Min: the next ten years, the global economy is facing many policy inflection point
The next ten years the global economy will usher in many economic policy inflection point. Interest rate risk, exchange rate risk will become the world's most important economic risks." President of the National Institute of finance, Tsinghua University, former deputy governor of the central bank, Zhu Min, 26, held in Shanghai, "the first annual meeting of the foundation and the" Pu Shan Award "presentation. Zhu Min believes that after the financial crisis in 2008, the global economic structure has undergone major changes, looking for new labor productivity growth has become the world economy's first proposition. With the world's economic policy ushered in a turning point, the world economy will experience more challenges.
Iron and steel production capacity to meet the comprehensive standard: prevent backward production capacity of production
Although the 2017 national production capacity has not yet been announced, but there are already 5 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) announced a clear steel production capacity target data, a total of 37 million 360 thousand tons. According to the SASAC deployment, in 2017 the central enterprises to resolve the excess capacity of 5 million 950 thousand tons of steel, a total of nearly 45 million tons. This figure is consistent with the market institutions joint credit rating Co., Ltd. forecast: 2017 crude steel production capacity will be reduced by about 30 million ~5000 tons.
Charge dynamics
Tangshan steel rose 30-50 yuan
27 morning: Tangshan steel billet rose 30-50 on the weekend, the meaning of the country, the prosperity of the factory with a tax of 3300, rectangular billet of 3310, low alloy billet of 3420.
Iron ore prices rose 84% in 2016 to take advantage of the three mines
After three years of cold winter, the global mining industry is beginning to show signs of recovery. Vale, one of the three mines have just released the results show that fiscal year 2016 profitability, net profit of $16 billion 111 million. Affected by the industry to pick up, Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton also improved performance. However, with the rapid expansion of major mines, such as Brazil, Australia and other major producers of Goldman Sachs commodity analysts believe that iron ore prices in 2017 may be weak.
Southern China iron ore trading center to add new boost
23, Zhanjiang port (Group) Limited by Share Ltd, COSCO Shipping bulk cargo transport Co., Ltd., Shanghai Bao British Shipping Co., Ltd. in Zhanjiang signed a "fast mine" quasi liner cooperation agreement in Zhanjiang. This is the second in January 1st this year, Zhanjiang Port Group officially launched the mixed mining business, to build an important measure in Southern China iron ore trading center.